Top 5 Benefits of having a Personal Trainer

Top 5 Benefits of having a Personal Trainer


Top 5 Benefits of having a Personal Trainer:

1. Motivation & Accountability
Motivation and accountability go hand in hand. Personal Trainers hold you accountable and provide motivation to get you through every exercise. It’s easy to skip a workout and allow daily activities to outweigh your time to exercise. It can be difficult at times to find the motivation to exercise; whether it be from a long day at the office or just not finding enough time or energy throughout the day. Keeping a schedule with your Personal Trainer is the best way to ensure you’ll follow through with your exercise goals.

2. Education
Personal Trainers teach others how to exercise correctly by demonstrating proper posture, correct form and technique, exercises which are most effective, reduce the risk of injury, keep your focus and not waste time wandering between exercises, and through nutritional education to maximize results.

Gain the vast knowledge of personal trainers in order to maximize every exercise and reduce the risk of injury. Performing exercises incorrectly will increase your risk of injury. The exercises set by your Personal Trainer will be ones that will provide you with the most benefit.

3. Setting Realistic Goals
By setting realistic goals, you’re more likely to achieve them. You’ll also form good habits in setting future goals. You may have high expectations, which is great, but achieving some goals within a short amount of time may not be possible. One of the most popular New Years Resolutions is to lose weight. However most of those who set this resolution aren’t committed to the goal throughout the year. There may be many reasons why this goal is abandoned such as not seeing results fast enough, not knowing what exercises will provide the most benefit, not eating a well balanced diet, etc. So talk with your Personal Trainer about your goals and discuss which can be achieved in the time frame you desire.

4. Personalized Exercise Plan
Those who have a goal in mind during their exercise, such as which exercises and how many repetitions, will better achieve their fitness goals than those who go into their exercise without a plan. Everyone is different so every workout plan should be different. That’s why your Personal Trainer will tailor your exercise plan to your needs.

5. Attention
With a Personal Trainer, you will have their full attention during your fitness session. This however is not the case during group personal training sessions. You’ll share your Personal Trainer’s attention with other members of the group. In individual sessions, your Personal Trainer will be with you every step of the way to ensure your form is correct, encourage you to get in that extra set, and ensure you complete every exercise in your customized exercise plan.

These are the top 5 benefits to having a personal trainer. Are you looking for a Certified Personal Trainer in the Houston, TX area? Mobile Workout has Personal Trainers in Houston, Katy, and Richmond. For those outside of our service area, we now offer virtual evaluations and workouts via Facetime, Skype, or Zoom. We don’t have a physical location but instead offer a unique on-location approach to personal training. We meet clients on-location anywhere they feel comfortable. For many it’s at home in a private setting where they won’t feel judged during the exercises.

Our personal training sessions typically last 50 minutes to 1 hour. In addition to private one-on-one sessions, we also offer sessions for up to three people. A group training session with a couple friends may add that extra level of motivation; it may even spark a little friendly competition as well.

We look forward to hearing from you and working with you to achieve your fitness goals. Give us a call today at 713-202-7373 to start personal training from the comfort of your own home, schedule a virtual evaluation/ face-to-face evaluation, or send us an email at

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