To perform a chest press with the band, anchor the band to something solid preferably at chest height. Face away from the anchored middle and grab each handle by sliding your thumb through the loops/handles. Raise your arms until they are shoulder height with your forearms pointing straight forward. Step forward until tension is felt against the bands then step forward with only one foot. This allows a stable platform so that when you push forward you won’t fall backward. Take a breath in then while you exhale extend your arms out in front of you until your hands touch. Slowly return to the starting position while you inhale. I like to queue my clients to keep your core tight and squeeze your buttocks. This also provides a stable platform. When you perform the movement imagine that you are squeezing a beach ball between your elbows. This will activate those pecs to an even greater degree.
Depending on your goals you want to perform the chest press with an elastic band between 8-20 repetitions and do between 1-3 sets of this exercise. Wait about a minute between sets if you do more than one. It’s good to change things up every so often so enjoy this alternative chest exercise.
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